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LATEST NEWS!!! THE BEAR LAKE MUSEUM Winter 2022 has been quite an easy time for the birds who choose to remain here rather than "fly" south to try to find warmer weather! We did suffer through one period without electricity (nasty to consider how much we depend on that!). Ice, snow, rain, and wind contributed to that event which only affected part of the local areas. I was one of the unlucky ones... The Directors have been busy little bees working away at getting a new area in the Museum ready for visitors in 2022. When you visit you'll find that some of the static displays have been relocated. A television has been donated and installed so that we might have ongoing video playing which will give visitors a chance to know some 'behind the scenes' dialogue about various special items. The television will also give us a chance to provide some educational videos about the Village of Bear Lake, Bear Lake Township and Pleasanton Township. Although we didn't change any displays last year because of the small amount of time we were able to remain open during the COVID epidemic in 2020, once again you can be sure to see some new displays as we retire some of the previous. In order to keep our Museum safe and friendly for you, we have been cleaning, cleaning, cleaning! Of course, just like in our homes, we move items around not to confuse you but to make the Museum even better so you can discover something you might have missed during your last visit! If you wish to become more actively involved in helping us "Save the Past" please contact Joyce Valentine at home at 231-396-6269. We could always use your help! Bell Tower/Eaves Restoration Project The Bear Lake Area Historical Society Inc. needs your HELP! With your support the final exterior renovations on the Baptist Church building could be completed this summer 2022. This endeavor will require power washing, scraping, repair, priming, and painting of the Bell Tower (steeple), eaves and original corbels! As you can see in the photo—these really need HELP! This is a very costly project due to the steeple location and extent of deterioration. All donors for this restoration will be commemorated on an engraved plaque to be hung inside the Bear Lake Museum. All donations will be gratefully received. Remember, we are a 501c3 non-profit corporation and, as such, all your donations are indeed deductible. To build momentum we have deemed and aggregated four levels of giving to bring this project to fruition: DIAMOND LEVEL $2,000 PLATINUM LEVEL $1,500 GOLD LEVEL $1,000 SILVER LEVEL $500 The Bear Lake Museum has the very good fortune to call the Baptist Church our home. At the time we initially acquired the building it was in great disrepair. The list of even the most basic improvements needed was daunting and appeared near impossible to ever bring life and a strong future back to the structure. Fortunately, you have stepped forward and generously provided us with donations and encouragement that has kicked us into action each time! We are so grateful! Now we are very anxious to complete the exterior of the structure to insure its longevity for many more years. Presently, this is likely the oldest building that remains in Bear Lake and we must preserve it! Newspaper reports indicate the building construction began in July of 1886 and we can assume the congregation began holding services in late 1886 or perhaps early 1887—which means it is about 136 years old. Please mail your donation marked for the Bell Tower/Eaves and include the name(s) you would like on the commemorative plaque. 2022 CALENDAR The 2022 Bear Lake Museum is available as well as a few of our previously issued calendars. Remember every calendar has all new photos--we never re-use photos. All calendars are $15 each and the 2021 and earlier calendars are $20 for a set of any three. Please contact any Director to have any saved or mailed to you. 125th QUASQUICENTENNIAL BOOK The 125th Quasquicentennial Publication celebrating the Village of Bear Lake is still available. The 80 page publication has continued to be a popular item for visitors to pick up while visiting the Museum. If you haven't been able to get your copy please let us know and we will get one in the mail to you or have it ready for pick-up. These make wonderful gifts for those "hard to buy for." Contact Katherine Schafer at 231-690-2210 to reserve your copy of this keepsake publication is available to members for $20.00 and to non-members for $25.00 (plus $5.00 shipping if needed). MEMORY GARDEN BUY—A—BRICK is always a nice gift too! Many bricks have already been purchased by individuals and families--don't be left out of this Memory Garden outside the Museum. Order your brick soon. Go to the Events page to learn about the details of this project. Please help us fill the floor of our Memory Garden with new family names before Summer 2022 arrives! It would be nice to have every family represented and every brick inscribed! BEAR LAKE DAYS 2021 You might be interested to know that over Bear Lake Days 2021 we had the pleasure of greeting nearly 500 visitors to our Museum! That's the largest number we have ever had! It seems that after 2020 when Bear Lake Days didn't happen--including many other regional events were canceled--everyone was so excited to just get outside around their friends and families! As always, Mrs. Nina Girven stopped by the Museum and played the organ at noon for about an hour. Several visitors even gathered around singing along with the lovely melodies she played. Special Thank You to Nina on behalf of the Society Board of Directors. We continue to be surprised and delighted by the individuals and families who come in each week with new items for our displays! NOTECARDS Our notecards are a new item at the Museum and feature the original water color paintings by local artist, Charlene (Potter) Myers. She completed paintings of the Baptist Church and the old Methodist Church which are on display in the Bear Lake Museum. We were so pleased with her beautiful renditions that we couldn't wait to share the images with you. So blank notecards were printed and are available for $3 each of 6 for $15. Charlene is presently working on a water color painting of the old Bear Lake School, but in the meantime we have printed notecards with a photo of the old school from our collection which is also available for the same price as above. You may choose a mix up an order and buy any 6 for $15! Go to our Museum Store to order any items and we will ship immediately. |
Get in Touch
773-396-6269 231-690-2210 Bear Lake Area Historical Society, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Organization 7750 Main Street, P. O. Box 7 Bear Lake, MI 49614 |
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